About Us
Life Changes and Transition Management Professional Services
Once upon a time, I have had everything I was supposed to have, but I could tell from the very beginning that something was not quite right. Not that was completely wrong, but not exactly right. Do you know? So the same way I had built my life to have everything I wanted and was supposed to have, I have also decided to let go of it. That was in 2013-2014.
Hello, my name is Márcia Pinho (Mar-see-ah /ˈpi.ɲu/), and I am the Founder of believe-IN, 2015. Based in Glasgow, Scotland, I work with people worldwide over videoconferencing, webinars and video calls, supporting them throughout their life changes and transitions. I work as a buddy on a one-to-one support basis, providing knowledge and skills to master their life experiences, believe in themselves and make the life they deserve to happen.

During 2013-2014, I have experienced simultaneous life events changing radically, both personal and professional life, in a ten-month time frame, leading me to a Transition. During this process, I became interested in Adult Development. Concretely, the impact of Life Changes and Transitions in adults’ emotional and cognitive performance and its implication on well-being and life outcomes.
For this reason, I decided to leave my fourteen-year career in marketing to create believe-IN. Make It Happen!®, then moved countries, researched this phenomenon scientifically and completed the graduate diploma in Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University.
I speak fluently English, Spanish, and Portuguese. But also another unrated language, which is understanding, empathy. I have scored 96% higher than the population who took the exact Emotional Intelligence IQ psychometric test. In sum, the correct maths, I can communicate through language with over 1.9 billion human beings. Then my second nature is strategic planning, and I have used it all my life to achieve everything I have always wanted. So, now is my turn to give back by guiding you to learn it and make the life you wish (and deserve) happen!

believe-IN. Make it Happen! ® supports you, step-by-step, throughout your life changes and transition processes. Our Interventions Programmes, promote effective decision-making, emotional management, planning and life skills, during the most challenging periods of life.
believe-IN offers person-centred, science-based, Change and Transitions Management Solutions; Three Interventions Programmes, Appointments, Psychometric tests, and Learning Events.
Arrange an initial 30-minute consultation to discuss how we can assist you, to Prepare Life Change, Manage Life Transition or Develop High-Performance. For appointments and enquiries, call +44 (0) 7927 605837 contact us below.
Successful change and transition management professional services promote self-direction and self-dependence, enhance self-esteem and self-worth. believe-IN endeavours to put you in control of your life, fully functional, empowered, and more able to use strategies to get where you want to go. By the end of our programme, you will successfully adjust and adapt to new situations. Starting a New Beginning, you feel tranquil, organised with a lasting sense of equilibrium and mastery over life experiences.
Contact us to arrange an initial 30-minute consultation to discuss and learn how we can assist you, to Prepare Life Change, Manage Life Transition, or Develop High-Performance. Your initial 30-minute consultation is free.
Our Intervention Process
Life Changes and Transitions Management, for optimisation, regardless of the timing of the critical change.
For appointments and enquiries, call 0141 374 0219 or contact us below.
Stage 1
Understanding the current scenario
What is going on? What problems, issues, concerns, or undeveloped opportunities should we be attending to? Psychometric Tests Assessment.
Stage 2
Defining the preferred scenario
What do I/we need or want in place of what is currently in place? What would things look like if they looked better?
Stage 3
Developing a clear plan of action
What do I/we need to do to move from the current to the preferred scenario? What would be the best package of strategies?
Stage 4
Implementing a plan and monitoring progress
How do you make this happen?
How well are you doing? Assess and adjust.
Customer Service Quality Assessment Life Changes and Transition Facilitation.